"Mi" (without accent mark) X "Mí" (with accent mark) X "Mío (a)" in Spanish

Mi (without accent mark)

- It is a possessive adjective.
- Can be used with both genders (masculine and feminine).
- In English it is equivalent to "my".


Esta será mi casa cuando me case.

(This will be my house when I get married.)


Mi perro vino corriendo junto conmigo.

(My dog came running with me.)

Mí (with accent mark)

- Object pronoun (first-person singular).
- In English it is equivalent to: "me, myself".
- Despite being monosyllabic must be marked to distinguish it from the possessive adjective "mi".


Esa carta que llegó es para .

(That letter arrived for me.)


Por , él puede venir con nosotros.

(For me, he can come with us.)

Mío, Mía

- It can also be used as an possessive pronoun.
- In English it is equivalent to the possessive pronoun "mine"


Estas llaves son las mías.

(These keys are mine.)

- It can also be used as an possessive adjective.
- In English it is equivalent to the adjective pronoun "mine"


Ricardo es amigo mío desde hace unos veinte años.

(Ricardo is a friend of mine about twenty years.)

After some nouns it can also express affection ("my dear").


Eso no es cierto, hijo mío.

(That is not true, my dear son.)

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Dejar plantado (a alguien)
To stand up, to dump
Meaning: do not go on a date with someone.